
IMG Secrets

International Medical Graduates in USA

Alternative Licensing Options for IMGs (International Medical Graduates)

Welcome to a groundbreaking development in the field of medical licensure: Alternative Licensing Options for IMGs. In a remarkable alliance, three major U.S. organizations have joined forces to establish new pathways for International Medical Graduates (IMGs), symbolized by the unifying image of the American flag. This collaborative effort heralds a new era, opening doors—quite literally—for IMGs seeking to practice medicine in the United States. As an IMG, this video unveils these pioneering alternatives tailored for you. Watch it in its entirety, and let’s navigate these promising opportunities together https://youtu.be/Cf6A4fp_bf4 Book an Appointment In an unprecedented collaboration, three pivotal organizations have stepped up to the plate:  1. The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), 2. Intealth, and 3. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)—each name resonating with purpose through a distinct sound effect, emphasizing their significance. Together, they have convened a dynamic committee, a unity of purpose captured in a video of their meeting, dedicated to pioneering alternative entry paths and licensing options tailored for International Medical Graduates (IMGs). This coalition is a beacon of hope for IMGs, signaling a future of broader possibilities in the medical field of the United States The journey toward more inclusive medical licensing has seen significant progress over time. Historically, we’ve recognized that an alternate entry path program has been available for nearly all medical specialties, accessible in every state to those who meet the criteria. This concept took a concrete form when it transformed into legislation within the state of Tennessee—a momentous step, captured in, affirming the state’s commitment to innovative medical licensing. The movement didn’t stop there. What began as a singular state initiative gained momentum, sweeping across numerous other states in a wave of reform. And now, the progression continues even further. We’re witnessing the emergence of alternative licensing options—a development visualized through—each one a testament to the expanding horizon for medical professionals. Why are these esteemed organizations—FSMB, Intealth, and ACGME—pioneering such sweeping changes? It’s a well-established fact that International Medical Graduates (IMGs) represent about a quarter of all physicians in the United States—each one an invaluable asset trained beyond its borders. IMGs have stepped in to fill critical roles across the healthcare spectrum—from the rural clinics of the American heartland to the bustling corridors of major urban university hospitals. Their contributions have been vast, spearheading innovations in medical research, leading educational efforts, and delivering compassionate patient care. However, the spotlight of today’s discussion is not on these commendable achievements. Instead, we turn our attention to a pressing challenge: the current shortage of doctors in the USA—a situation so dire that, despite ongoing recruitment efforts, the scarcity persists. In certain specialties, the deficit is so acute that it has escalated to a crisis level. Amidst this backdrop, the popularity of the alternate path program for IMGs has soared, indicating its success and acceptance. Recognizing this, leading organizations such as FSMB, Intealth, and ACGME are now looking to expand upon this foundation, exploring further alternative licensing options for IMGs. These initiatives are not just progressive; they’re a necessary response to the critical doctor shortage in the United States. By harnessing the full potential of IMGs through these alternative pathways, we can make significant strides in addressing this national healthcare concern How about Board Certification? The landscape of medical certification is on the cusp of evolution. With alternative licensing pathways gaining traction, it’s not far-fetched to anticipate a similar revolution in the realm of board certifications. Imagine the scene: a doctor, certificate in hand, their face alight with the excitement of new opportunities and milestones achieved. For now, we remain observers, curious and expectant, as these developments unfold. Let’s stay tuned to this space, as the next chapter in medical board certification promises to be just as exhilarating. Book an Appointment How Can IMG Secrets Assist Hospitals and Universities? International Medical Graduates (IMGs) are a boon to hospitals and universities, enriching these institutions with their extensive training, global perspectives, and clinical acumen. They serve as catalysts for innovation, research, and superior patient care. At IMG Secrets, we specialize in connecting these valuable IMGs with healthcare and educational institutions eager to elevate their services. Our expertise lies in identifying and placing high-quality IMG talent that aligns with your organizational needs and aspirations. We invite hospitals and universities to partner with us in this endeavor to diversify and strengthen your medical teams. Together, we can forge a healthcare and academic landscape that’s not just competent, but also culturally rich and innovative. For a partnership that promises to enhance your institution’s capabilities and to discuss the potential benefits of hiring IMGs, please reach out to us at contactus@imgsecrets.com. How Can IMG Secrets Assist IMGs? We at IMG Secrets are committed to providing you with the most current and impactful information. Stay connected with us for real-time updates that could shape your medical career in the USA. Wondering if you’re the ideal candidate for these burgeoning opportunities? Are you ready to navigate the path to success in the American healthcare sector? Now is the time to act swiftly and strategically. By partnering with us, you can streamline your journey, conserving time, energy, and financial resources. Take the first step towards a fulfilling career in U.S. healthcare. Reach out to IMG Secrets, and let’s assess how you can maximize this window of opportunity. Book your appointment today at www.imgsecrets.com and unlock the door to your future. This article is an original publication of www.imgsecrets.com Should you encounter this material on any platform other than our website, please consider it unauthorised use. We urge you to report such instances to us directly at contactus@imgsecrets.com Dr. Rajeev Iyer MBBS, MD, FASA Associate Professor of Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine The University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, USA The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the University of Pennsylvania or any other institution. I want to work with Dr. Rajeev Iyer https://youtu.be/vB2lrpInIGIhttps://youtu.be/qAUXPSdmd6M

After Tennessee 14 More US States Relax IMG Regulations

Are you an International Medical Graduate (IMG) looking to practice medicine in the United States without the lengthy process of repeating residency? Good news is on the horizon. Several states are reevaluating their requirements to facilitate the entry of qualified IMGs into the US healthcare system. Dr. Rajeev Iyer from IMG Secrets here, and I’m eager to share these developments with you. https://youtu.be/vB2lrpInIGI Revolutionary Changes in Tennessee and Beyond: Tennessee has pioneered this movement. In April 2023, Governor Bill Lee signed into law a provision allowing IMGs to undertake just two years of supervised training before obtaining a full license. This opened doors for many, allowing them to practice as attending or consultant physicians. Following Tennessee’s footsteps, Illinois and other states are actively considering similar laws. Illinois’ law, passed in September 2023, stipulates that IMGs work in underserved areas for two years under supervision before receiving a full license. The goal? To address healthcare disparities while providing opportunities for international talent. Eligibility Criteria for IMGs: To seize these opportunities, IMGs must meet certain criteria: Graduation from a medical school listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools. Possession of an ECFMG certificate. Completion of USMLE Steps 1 and 2, and the OET. Visa eligibility, with no disqualifying issues (US citizens and green card holders are naturally eligible). Progress in Florida and Virginia: Both Florida and Virginia are on the cusp of passing legislation to ease the path for IMGs. Florida’s proposal allows IMGs to bypass US residency if they have completed an equivalent program at home. Virginia is aiming to enable IMGs to work in hospitals with accredited residency programs with a provisional license, leading to full licensure after two years. Additional States Joining the Movement: Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, and Washington are innovating by reducing residency requirements, thus accelerating IMGs’ integration into the medical workforce. Other states like Arizona, Iowa, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nevada, and Vermont are undergoing legislative processes to create similar pathways. A Word of Caution: While these legislative efforts signal a positive trend, they are subject to change. The intent is clear: to tackle the physician shortage in the US by opening doors for IMGs. Quality of Care: A critical question remains – will these changes affect the quality of healthcare? As an IMG myself, I understand the variability in training standards worldwide. It’s essential for US hospitals to perform due diligence to ensure they recruit candidates who can maintain the high standard of care expected in the country. How IMG Secrets Can Help: Our commitment at IMG Secrets is to guide IMGs through these evolving opportunities. By connecting with us, you can receive mentorship and coaching tailored to navigate these new pathways. Visit our website, www.imgsecrets.com, to book an appointment and start your journey to practicing medicine in the USA. Don’t miss out on the full details of how you can become a doctor in the USA. Check out my YouTube video for in-depth information. Have questions? Drop them in the comments, or join me for our live session on the last Saturday of each month – I’m here to provide the answers you need. Remember, “Make Hay While the Sun Shines” – being at the right place at the right time could be your key to success. This article was originally published on www.IMGSecrets.com. If you find it elsewhere, this is a plagiarized content and please report immediately to contactus@Imgsecrets.com Conclusion: Enjoy the journey, take the steps needed to ensure your success, and embrace the chance to make a significant impact in the healthcare field. Until we talk again, stay safe, stay informed, and seize the day! Dr. Rajeev Iyer MBBS, MD, MS, FASA (USA) Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care The University of Pennsylvania The Perelman School of Medicine Philadelphia, USA Disclaimer: The opinions in this article are author’s own and does not represent the opinions of the University of Pennsylvania, or any other organization, individual or entity. 

How to Use ChatGPT for USMLE Preparation?

ChatGPT has passed USMLE. I tested ChatGPT for 4 weeks to find out how to ace USMLE using ChatGPT. I will share my experience on the 5 ways you can use ChatGPT into your USMLE preparation starting today and that too for free!  If you are in Canada, you can use the exact same principles for MCCQE1. Let’s jump to find out right away from the article below with screenshots. If you are interested in an actual demonstration with video screen recordings of how actually ChatGPT helped with USMLE, watch the video from the link below.  Click Here to See How You Can Get Help What is ChatGPT? I have to tell you about ChatGPT first, which is especially important if you have not heard of this. ChatGPT is also known as Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer and is an artificial intelligence chatbot. This was recently developed by a company called open AI in November of 2022. You can ask ChatGPT any question, it’s going to answer you like it’s a real person except that everything is happening through chatting or texting. You can use this on your phone or on your laptop I honestly got excited but also scared when I tested ChatGPT. The number of things it knows and it can do is unbelievable. ChatGPT was tested on various topics and so far has passed the following exams: USMLE Examination Law Examination Business Examination This makes ChatGPT a Doctor, Lawyer & Business Entrepreneur. My focus here is on Doctors and I will give you 5 ways I tested ChatGPT to ace USMLE. Whether you plan to enter the USA to do a residency, direct fellowship, or come in directly as an attending physician, through the alternate entry path program, you will need to ace USMLE. How to Use ChatGPT? To get ChatGPT, the first thing I did is to go on google and search for ChatGPT. Then I clicked the very first thing that said “Introducing ChatGPT – OpenAI”. Once I clicked on this link, this is the screen that came up next. On the screen above, I clicked on “Try ChatGPT” at the bottom left of the screen. Once I did that, the next screen asked “Verify you are a human”. Of course, I had to sign up and log in. I realized this can be done either by logging in or Signing up using an existing google account. This is where the magic happened. ChatGPT Interactive Screen[/caption] There are two options to use ChatGPT. One is free and the other is a paid version. At this time it costs $20 a month to use the paid version. I however used the free version and this is what I am going to show you here. I wouldn’t be surprised if all of this becomes a paid tool! You can do this on your phone, laptop, desktop, or any compatible device. 1. How to use ChatGPT to generate sample USMLE questions? Sample USMLE Question 1 Yes, I asked ChatGPT to give me sample USMLE questions. I typed a question “Give me a sample USMLE question” on the ChatGPT text tab and hit the return button on my Mac computer (enter button on windows). This gave me a sample question within a span of a few seconds along with the answers and explanation! Here you see. USMLE Sample Question 2 Then I decided to be more specific about the way of questions I asked ChatGPT. I typed Give me a sample USMLE question that is difficult and is about thoracic surgery. My idea was to include two specific keywords here – difficult and thoracic surgery. I couldn’t believe what I got – A sample USMLE question that was both difficult and related to thoracic surgery, along with the options and an explanation. Try this for yourself and I bet you will be surprised at what you will see. A word of caution: although ChatGPT is giving the answer, I can’t say for 100% sure this gives the right answer every time. On one question, I tested it gave me an answer that was not in agreement with the USMLE official website. Then I told ChatGPT that the answer should have been different. Believe it or not, ChatGPT apologized for the wrong answer and gave me the correct one. Either way, the point I am making is just to be cautious. Make sure you have your concepts really solid because as you can imagine, you cannot blame ChatGPT if you get the answers wrong!! These were just two simple examples that I showed but you can use the same concept for any specialty and any question that you want to generate. In fact, this will be a lot more high yield for topics on Biostatistics Population health Psychiatry, etc. 2. How to use ChatGPT for answer explanations to USMLE questions? Sample USMLE Question 1 I found USMLE sample questions on USMLE.ORG. This website has many questions with answers but with no explanation. So I tested the utility of ChatGPT’s explanations it gave for questions from the official USMLE website. I searched for USMLE Sample Questions on Google. Then I clicked Step 1 Sample Questions. With this, I entered the USMLE official website and clicked on sample test questions. I accepted the cookies. Below are the sample test questions that the USMLE website had. I clicked on this question that says social sciences communications. I liked this question since this is asking for the most appropriate initial statement by the physician, it’s not asking for treatment. Questions on treatment are easily answered by International Medical Graduates (IMGs), but, these types of concepts related to the practice in my experience where international medical graduates (IMGs) have some difficulty compared to US graduates. In this case, I already knew the correct answer is Option “A” based on the answer given below. But I assumed I don’t know why the correct answer is option “A” but not the other options. This is where I tested

How Can IMGs Get Pre-residency Fellowship in the USA?

International Medical Graduates (IMGs) can get pre-residency fellowship in the USA by applying to those programs that offer a medical fellowship in the USA hospitals. These IMGs can apply after their post graduate and specialty training in the home country. I have seen many IMGs do this to gain US clinical experience and subsequently use this experience to apply for residency matching of their choice. Let’s jump to find out more about this pre-residency fellowship including the types, where to apply, how to apply, what is the pay and many more. Click Here For Help Finding a Fellowship What types of pre-residency fellowships are available for international medical graduates (IMGs)? There are two types of pre-residency fellowship. I have seen IMGs being successful getting into residency using either of these. Clinical Fellowship Research Fellowship If you think about these, your ultimate goal in this example is to match into residency. This fellowship will help you do that. Clinical Fellow: If you come in as a clinical fellow, you will have to be ECFMG certified which means you have to complete the following USMLE Steps USMLE Step 1 USMLE Step 2 CK OET (Occupational English Test) I recommend, based on the IMGs I’ve seen, that you also complete your USMLE step three. Then this will help you get an H1-B visa & get an independent license when the time comes. When you come in as a clinical fellow, you will be given a training license. So, once you have step three, this will also help you get an independent license because step three is a must for you to get an independent license which is what consultants used to work as. Research Fellow: The second option is a research fellow. If you are interested to move into the USA and yet to complete USMLE, then this is an option you can explore. not completed their USMLE yet. But this is a short-term fellowship. If you want to get back to residency, you have to still complete all the USMLE steps, which can be done while you’re doing your research fellowship. Typically research fellowship for those who have completed medical college and have research experience although the latter is not a must. I have seen some IMGs get residency directly from their home country this is those IMGs who have already finished the residency training, but for the most part, most IMGs will require some kind of experience in the USA. So, when you’re going through your clinical fellowship or research fellowship, you can do the following to make yourself competitive for residency matching. Develop great relationships with US consultants & program directors Attend conferences Publish manuscripts Present lectures Work hard towards your goals Use this as US experience What kind of pre-residency fellowship should IMGs apply for? I have seen IMGs apply for all types of fellowships. In general, it is wise to pick a fellowship that is not very competitive. This means the fellowship specialty should not be very well known. I will give you an example in anesthesia. Fellowships like pain medicine, pediatric anesthesia, cardiac anesthesia are desirable and may be competitive to get. This keeps changing depending on the demand. If cardiac anesthesia stays the most desirable anesthesia fellowship for lets say 5 years, the next 2-3 years it may go down in the number of graduates seeking this. In general, you can pick a fellowship like clinical anesthesia which in my humble personal opinion may not be chosen by many IMGs. Spend time to find fellowships like this. This way you can increase your chances of getting a fellowship. Where can IMGs apply for a pre-residency fellowship? Well, not all the programs will take IMGs. Although getting into a fellowship from your home country is not super easy, there are some steps that can be taken to increase your chances. Pick cities where US graduates are less likely to go to. If you think of New York State, it is obvious to think of New York City but this can be competitive and put you at a disadvantage. Instead, pick a city that is not well know. For e.g. in New York State for example, Buffalo & Upstate New York are some options you can explore. Apply a similar strategy for other cities. Is this super easy? NO. But your chances will be much higher here than bigger and well known cities.  Niagara falls is in Buffalo and you can get there so frequently. When i lived in Toronto, Canada i used to visit Niagara Falls very frequently & Niagara-on-the-lake and loved it. Pick specializations that are less well known. [videopress NHF8pux4] How much salary are IMGs paid for pre-residency fellowship? I will explain this based on whether this is a clinical or a research fellowship to make it easy for you. Clinical Fellowship: The salary you’ll be paid as an IMG clinical fellow directly coming from your home country will be equal to any other US graduate doing a clinical fellowship. Here are the differences. [table id=35 /] After your fellowship, the goal is to get back to residency in the USA or Canada. I encourage you to explore the alternate entry path program that you can read about here.  [videopress KSpnjBdG] How do I apply for pre-residency fellowship as an IMG? To apply for a fellowship, whether it’s research fellowship or a clinical fellowship follow this steps. Write to the Chair or the Head of the Department and copy the program director in an email. Keep the email brief and mention that you have attached the following One page personal statement Curriculum Vitae (CV) ECFMG Certificate (if applying for Clinical Fellowship) The personal statement is just a one-page summary about yourself, where you’re going to highlight all your accomplishments and then give a summary of what you are looking in the fellowship and how the hospital will benefit because they want to hire you. The CV has to be very nice and crisp without

10 Elite US Hospitals Open Doors for IMG Observerships

Observerships are informal experiences provided to IMGs and will not involve patient contact. They are limited to one to two weeks and sometimes can be offered for a longer duration. Many of these observerships help you get into residency or fellowship at reputed US & Canadian Hospitals. I will give you a list of 10 Elite US Hospitals that accept International Medical Graduates (IMGs) for Observership. These Elite hospitals have been consistently ranked as one of the top by US News World Report. I will give you a link to apply for each hospital and tell you how to apply. The hospital requirements may vary but have a lot in common, which I will summarize for you. This list is not exhaustive and has 8 pediatric and 2 adult hospitals as examples. The observership opportunity is provided for all specialties. This observership is available for IMG consultants IMG Fellows IMG residents IMG medical students Let’s jump in to find out more about the hospitals and how to apply. Click here For Help Getting an Observership 1. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) is the oldest Children’s Hospital in the World established in 1885. It is also one of the largest and most prestigious children’s hospitals in the World. CHOP is affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League university, and provides state-of-the-art pediatric care. When I say Ivy League Universities, these are reputed universities in the US, and in fact, most US graduates want to do their training in Ivy League universities. CHOP has an international observership program that accepts eligible IMGs for observership. CHOP provides observership in all pediatric subspecialties. Rotating through CHOP as an observer is considered prestigious. You can apply for the CHOP observership program as an IMG at this link. There are certain restrictions specific to CHOP that you can check on this website. 2. Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School Boston Children’s Hospital, is located in Boston, Massachusetts. This is affiliated with Harvard Medical School. Most people in the world have heard of Harvard University.   Here is the link to where you apply for an observership at Harvard Medical School.  You might have read during your medical school or during your USMLE/MCCQE1, that hydroxyurea is a medication used for sickle cell disease. I read that this drug was first used for sickle cell disease at Boston Children’s Hospital. [videopress P6A41dtm] 3. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, University of Cincinnati, Ohio The next on the list is Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, located in Cincinnati in the state of Ohio. This is affiliated with the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Children’s is an outstanding hospital. This was built in the 1800s. You must be familiar with the oral polio vaccine right called the Sabin vaccine. This was discovered by Dr. Albert Sabin at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.  Here is the link to apply for an observership at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.    4. Texas Children’s Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas The next elite hospital on the list is Texas Children’s Hospital located in Houston, Texas. This is affiliated with Baylor College of Medicine within the Texas Medical Center. Texas Children’s has some limitations on what the purpose of observerships should be. Some hospitals may have this, but other hospitals may not. When you apply to an observership as an IMG, be upfront about what you’re trying to get out of this observership, and what your ultimate goal is. You can apply for an observership at the Texas Children’s Hospital using this link. 5. Children’s Hospital of Colorado, Denver School of Medicine Next on the list is the Children’s Hospital of Colorado, which is located in Aurora, Colorado. This is a more than a 100-year-old hospital. This is affiliated with the University of Colorado, Denver School of Medicine. In fact, Colorado is an excellent place for any winter adventurous activity. So if you are into any of this, you can explore Colorado. You can have a great vacation there plus do your observer trip. You can apply for an observership at the Children’s Hospital of Colorado using this link.   6. Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, California Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles (CHLA) is affiliated with the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California.  CHLA was established in 1901 and is one of the Elite US hospitals. CHLA has been consistently ranked amongst the top 10 pediatric hospitals by the US News World Report. You can apply for an observership at the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles using this link.  7. Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio The next on the list is Nationwide Children’s Hospital. This is a children’s hospital located in Columbus in the state of Ohio. Nationwide is affiliated with The Ohio State University College of Medicine. This is, again, a more than a hundred-year-old hospital that provides you with various opportunities to rotate through many specialties. You can apply for an observership at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio using this link.  8. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in Stanford, Palo Alto, California. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital provides opportunities for a lot of different observers. Lucile Packard was established in 1991. Although fairly new compared to other examples on this list, Lucile Packard is an elite hospital affiliated to the Stanford University Health System. You can apply for an observership at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Palo Alto, CA using this link.  The list so far is all children’s hospitals. This will still make you competitive for both pediatric and adult residency programs. Of course, there may be a few programs that put a restriction on how you can use this experience and whether you could use this towards your benefit to apply for residency or fellowship or not. 9. Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia Now I’m going to give you two adult hospital examples. Next on the list is Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia. This is part of the Jefferson Hospital Network in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Below

Specialties Difficult For IMGs to Match – 2023 Update

I analyzed the most recent National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) data for PGY1. Based on this and my own experience as an IMG of many years in the USA, here are the 11 specialties that are difficult for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) to match. This information will help you focus as you’re going through the matching process. Thoracic Surgery General Surgery Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Anesthesiology Plastic Surgery Dermatology Obstetrics Gynecology Medicine-Pediatrics Emergency Medicine Orthopedics ENT   On the other hand, there are also many IMG friendly specialties. I have left the list of these IMG friendly specialties that you can check here. Let’s jump to find out the match rate and more information about these specialties that are difficult for IMGs to match. What are the Specialties Difficult For IMGs to Match? The following 11 specialties are difficult to match based on my NRMP data analysis and my own experience. I have excluded combined residency programs which in my opinion are not popular amongst IMGs. 11. Thoracic Surgery, Match Rate 6% Here is the specialty number 11 that is difficult for IMGs to match and it is thoracic surgery. Only six percent of IMGs matched into this. The number of spots in thoracic surgery is also very less. Due to a combination of the low percentage of matching and less number of residency spots, the number of IMGs who are successful in thoracic surgery is less. Thoracic Surgery also offers an alternate pathway for certification where outstanding specialist IMGs can directly become board certified without repeating residency all over again in the USA. [videopress D1us1iFM] 10. General Surgery – Categorical, Match Rate 5% The next specialty is surgery, as a categorical residency. If you’re not familiar with this term, categorical residency means that your internship plus residency will all be done in one hospital. So essentially, you’re in one program. Only five percent of IMGs matched into surgery. I personally know of Surgeons who are IMGs and given the number of spots in surgery, five percent matching I would say is still pretty good.   9. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Match Rate 4% The next specialty is Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Only four percent of non-us IMGs matched into this. The number of spots for this is also less I’m not sure if this is driven by a lack of knowledge about the specialty or just that IMGs are not interested 8. Anesthesiology, Match Rate 4% The next specialty is anesthesiology. Only four percent of IMGs matched into anesthesiology. Anesthesiology does have more than a thousand Spots. I’m an anesthesiologist, and I have personally seen many IMG anesthesiologists. Based on my experience that anesthesiology is still an IMG friendly specialty, but it is difficult to match because it’s a desirable specialty and many U.S graduates do want to do anesthesiology. I think that probably might be the reason why many IMGs have not been successful in matching for anesthesiology. Anesthesiology offers an alternate entry path program for outstanding IMGs to directly become a specialist in the USA without repeating residency all over again. I have the details of this pathway that you can check here.  7. Plastic Surgery, Match Rate 4% The next on the list is plastic surgery. Only four percent of IMG is matched in plastic surgery. I have rarely come across an IMG plastic surgeon. Plastic Surgery is a desirable specialty for U.S. graduates which makes the competition stiffer. Also, the number of plastic surgery spots is very less. These in effect make plastic surgery a difficult specialty for IMGs to match.   6. Dermatology, Match Rate 3% The next specialty on the list is Dermatology. Dermatology is another desirable specialty for IMGs but only three percent of IMGs are matched into Dermatology. I’m really surprised by the number of Dermatology residency spots available, it’s less than 50. I didn’t imagine the spots to be so less. I have come across IMGs in dermatology but looks like it’s not very common.   5. Obstetrics & Gynecology, Match Rate 3% The next on the list is obstetrics and Gynecology (ObsGyn). Three percent of IMGs matched into ObsGyn. The number of OBGYN spots is more than a thousand. Given that three percent match Into ObsGyn, the total number is more. I have personally seen IMGs ObsGyn. [videopress KOh791e6] 4. Medicine-Pediatrics, Match Rate 3% The next specialty is a combined medicine Pediatrics Residency program.  Three percent of IMGs have been successful in matching into this program. Coincidentally I recently met a combined medicine-pediatrics resident who told me the Residency program is mainly focused on Primary Care. Typically, these residents pick either medicine or Pediatrics as one of their primary focuses but they do continue to see patients of all ages. 3. Emergency Medicine, Match Rate 2% The next on the list is emergency medicine where two percent of IMGs were successful in matching into this Residency program. Emergency medicine does have a few thousand spots, so two percent of a few thousand is still a pretty good number. I have personally seen emergency physicians who are IMGs. Emergency Medicine also offers combined residency programs with Anesthesiology & Family Medicine. 2. Orthopedics, Match Rate 1% The next specialty which is difficult to match is orthopedics, only one percent of IMGs are matched into Orthopedic residency. I have come across IMG who are orthopedic surgeons but the number is quite less. The good news is orthopedic surgery offers an alternate entry path program. 1. ENT, Match Rate 0.5% Finally, the number one specialty which is difficult to match for an IMG is ENT. Only point five percent of total residents are non-us IMGs. I’ve been thinking if I have seen any IMG ENT physicians I have personally not come across any but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. This article was initially published in IMGSecrets.com, If this appears anywhere else this is a stolen content. Bottomline Check out the other important articles What visa do you need to move to the USA as an IMG? ECFMG 2024 Update Book An Appointment

Top 11 IMG Friendly Specialties in the USA – 2023 Update

The most International Medical Graduates (IMG) friendly specialties in the USA are Internal Medicine Family Medicine Pediatrics Emergency Medicine Pathology This is based on my analysis of the recent NRMP data which is the National Resident Matching Program data. With this, you will know where to focus your effort as you’re going through the matching process.   Let’s jump to find out more about what percentage of IMGs matched into these top 11 IMG-friendly specialties in the USA.   Dr. Rajeev Iyer MBBS, MD, FASA Associate Professor of Anesthesiology The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA Who are International Medical Graduates? International Medical Graduates are graduates of medical school from outside the USA or Canada. The NRMP classifies two types of IMGs: US IMGs and Non-US IMGs. US IMGs are those who are typically US citizens and most of them live in the USA. They just step out of the U.S. to do medical school or Medical College and then they come back to the US to do residency and they continue their life in the U.S. Non-US IMGs are those graduates who basically have lived all their life outside the U.S. They finish their medical school or residency in their home country or elsewhere. They then move to the USA on one of the following Visas: J-1, H1B, or an O1 visa. Non-US IMGs must obtain ECFMG Certification to be eligible for matching. ECFMG has announced that starting in 2024, the process for medical college verification will change. I have an entire blog on this that you can check out here.  In the USA, Non-US IMGs take the following paths Do a residency Repeat their residency after their residency from the home country A few outstanding IMGs certify through the American Board of Medical Specialties Alternate Entry Path Program.   What are the top 11 IMG Friendly specialties in the USA?   I will give you the list of IMG Friendly specialties based on NRMP Data along with the approximate match rate I calculated. This data is for PGY1 or the internship year.   11. Diagnostic Radiology, Match Rate 8% Diagnostic Radiology is one of IMG’s favorites. Eight percent of non-us IMGs matched into Diagnostic Radiology. However, I am surprised that the number of residencies spots for Diagnostic Radiology is less than 200 at least according to the recent NRMP data.  Although eight percent of IMGs matched into Diagnostic Radiology, the number wise would be pretty less since it is proportional to the total number of residency spots. Radiologists are diplomates of the American Board of Radiology.    10. Family Medicine, Match Rate 9% Family Medicine is another IMG’s favorite. Nine percent of IMGs are matched into family medicine and given the thousands of spots in Family Medicine the number of IMGs in this specialty is relatively high. I personally know of quite a few Family Medicine IMGs. My own Family Physician is an IMG from India, and coincidentally from my own Medical College. Family Medicine Physicians are diplomates of the American Board of Family Medicine.    9. Radiation Oncology, Match Rate 10% Radiation Oncology is a specialty many non-US IMGs may not be familiar with. 10 percent of IMGs are matched into radiation oncology. I caution you when you think of 10% that the number is significantly less. For example, if there are 10 radiation oncology spots and ten percent matches so it’s only one person matching into that spot. Radiation Oncologists are diplomates of the American Board of Radiology.  8. Pediatrics Categorical, Match Rate 12% The next IMG friendly specialty is Pediatrics. 12 percent of IMGs matched into categorical Pediatrics. If you’re not familiar with the term categorical it just means that the internship and the whole Residency program are done in one Hospital. Like Family Medicine, I have personally seen many IMG pediatricians. My children’s pediatrician is also an IMG. In fact, I have quite a few friends who are pediatricians and are IMGs. Pediatricians are diplomates of the American Board of Pediatrics.    7. Pediatric Neurology, Match Rate 13% The next specialty is pediatric neurology. 13% of IMGs matched into pediatric neurology. I again want to caution that the number of spots in pediatric neurology is quite less. I personally know of a successful pediatric neurologist who is my friend and an IMG. Pediatric Neurologists are diplomates of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Inc.  6. Pediatrics-Medical Genetics, Match Rate 20% Specialty number six is a combination of Pediatrics medical genetics where twenty percent of IMGs matched into this specialty. However, the number of spots in this combined program is again less than 100. I do caution you on the way you want to interpret this data. Although the match rate is 20%, the total number of IMGs who would be matched is quite less in pediatric neurology. A special agreement exists between the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) and the American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ABMGG) based on which the resident fulfills the training requirement for both pediatrics and medical genetics and genomics in 4 years of combined training. Pediatrics-medical genetics physicians are diplomates of The American Board of Pediatrics.  5. Neurology, Match Rate 21% The next IMG friendly specialty is neurology. 21% of IMG matched into neurology. Entry into a neurology residency starts after a 12-month ACGME-accredited graduate training in the United States or Royal College Accredited training in Canada. This training is typically in general internal medicine. ACGME-approved residency training programs in neurology must provide three years of graduate education in neurology. Neurologists are diplomates of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Inc.  4. Medicine – Primary, Match Rate 26% The next on the list is medicine. This is the medicine that is focused on Primary Care. One-fourth of IMGs are matched into Primary Care Medicine. This is big with respect to being IMG friendly. 3. Internal Medicine – Categorical, Match Rate 26% The next big IMG friendly specialty is Internal Medicine Categorical residency.  I always thought that based on the number

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