
IMG Secrets

International Medical Graduate in Canada

Become a Doctor in Canada: How Foreign Medical Students Can Achieve Their Dream?

I’m here to provide you with an exhaustive and fundamental guide, tailored specifically for medical students pursuing their MBBS. We will meticulously explore how to strategically navigate the path on how to become a doctor in Canada. Join me on this journey, and let’s embark on this enlightening adventure together. https://youtu.be/W7z-8vELrk4 Are there any barriers for foreign trained medical students to become a doctor in Canada? For International Medical Graduates (IMGs), the journey to become a doctor in Canada is marked by several significant challenges. These range from substantial hurdles to more manageable obstacles. A primary hurdle is the requirement of Canadian permanent residency status to participate in residency matching. This is a crucial step in the journey to practicing medicine in Canada.  Secondly, achieving exceptional scores in the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination Part I (MCCQE1) is imperative. This exam is a pivotal component in assessing your medical knowledge and competencies. Click here to know how to get good scores on MCCQE1. The third major challenge is the necessity of compiling a comprehensive and impressive application package for residency matching. This package is critical in demonstrating your qualifications and suitability for a residency position. If you’re currently an MBBS student in your 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year and have decided to pursue your medical career in Canada, it’s essential to understand and prepare for these challenges well in advance. This proactive approach can significantly enhance your chances of successfully navigating the complex process of establishing a medical career in Canada. How to be successfully match into CARMS residency to become a doctor in Canada? As an MBBS student eyeing a medical career in Canada, strategic planning during your study years is crucial. Here’s a structured approach you can follow: Canadian Permanent Residency: Since residency matching in Canada often requires permanent residency status, your first focus should be on understanding and navigating Canada’s point-based immigration system. Visit the Government of Canada’s website to assess your eligibility and points score. If you’re committed to moving to Canada, start the process of applying for permanent residency as early as possible. MCCQE1 Preparation: Concurrently, you must dedicate effort towards excelling in the MCCQE1 examination. For this, specific study materials are recommended: USMLE World for Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge) First Aid for USMLE Step 2 CK  Toronto Notes Canada Q bank These resources are pivotal for a strong preparation. Aim for a high score, ideally above 260, with 280 being even more desirable, considering the scoring range is between 100 to 400. Research and Publications: In the competitive field of medicine, having research or educational publications under your belt can significantly bolster your application. While challenging, getting published in journals, newsletters, or online platforms can enhance your visibility and credibility. Externship/Clerkship Opportunities: Gaining hands-on experience in a hospital setting outside your home country, especially in Canada or the USA, is invaluable. These experiences not only enrich your CV but can be decisive factors in your residency application. They provide practical exposure and demonstrate your adaptability to different healthcare environments. At IMG Secrets, we understand the importance of these steps in building a competitive profile for the CaRMS residency application. We offer opportunities for hands-on experience in the USA. Check out our website to learn more and book your slot to strengthen your application and enhance your chances in the competitive journey towards becoming a doctor in Canada. How to become a doctor in Canada if i have already graduated out of medical college? Once you’ve graduated from medical school and completed your MBBS, followed by a year of internship, it’s crucial to maintain the momentum in building a strong CV. This phase is about consolidating your experiences and achievements, as each element plays a significant role in your residency application package. During your internship, continue enhancing your CV in all key aspects: Clinical Experience: Your internship is the perfect time to gain diverse clinical experience. Try to engage in varied medical settings to broaden your understanding and skills. Research and Publications: If you haven’t already, actively seek opportunities for research and publishing. This adds a significant edge to your profile. Professional Networking: Utilize this time to network with healthcare professionals and mentors who can provide valuable guidance and potential letters of recommendation. Language Skills: Language proficiency can be a determining factor, especially in certain provinces. For instance, if you’re not proficient in French, it might be wise to focus on provinces other than Quebec. Provincial Requirements: Canada’s provinces have specific requirements for IMGs. For example, British Columbia has an additional IMG program that you might need to complete. This is also true for Alberta, Saskatchewan, and other provinces. It’s essential to research and understand these provincial-specific requirements well in advance. Plan Strategically: Based on your preferred province, align your preparation and experiences to meet their specific criteria. This might include additional exams, certifications, or specific clinical experiences. Remember, the path to practicing medicine in Canada as an IMG is intricate and requires careful planning and execution. Staying informed about the specific requirements of your chosen province and continuously building your professional profile are key steps towards achieving your goal. When should I be prepared for my CARMS residency application? If you’re aiming to start your postgraduate training or residency in Canada by July 2025, it’s crucial to be strategic and timely in your preparations. Here’s a breakdown of the timeline and key steps you should follow: Be Prepared by August 2024: To be well-positioned for the residency application cycle, you should have all your requirements ready by August 2024. This includes completing all necessary examinations, gathering documents, and fine-tuning your application package. Application Cycle Opens in September 2024: The CaRMS (Canadian Resident Matching Service) application cycle typically opens in September. By this time, your application should be complete and ready to submit. This includes your academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, personal statements, and any other required documents. Submission to CaRMS: Once the CaRMS matching application opens, you should promptly submit all your documents and requirements. The earlier

12 Best Free Websites to Find Paid Jobs in Canada

In the digital landscape of opportunity, I’m your compass to discover 12 free websites that unlock the door to paid job opportunities in the Great White North, Canada. Are you ready to embark on this journey together? Let’s dive in! 1. Job Bank Alright, folks, our first destination on this job-seeking journey is a place called Job Bank. All you have to do is a quick Google search for ‘Job Bank Canada,’ and you’ll be greeted with a delightful chime of opportunity. What makes Job Bank Canada a gem is that it’s the official government website, a true goldmine for job seekers of all kinds. So, let’s hop on over to the website and explore the possibilities. Once you’ve arrived, you’ll realize that you can find just about anything here. Let’s say you’re on the hunt for a research job; type in ‘research associate’ or the job keyword you are interested in! Don’t worry about location; you can set it to ‘all of Canada.’ Now, let’s hit that search button and see what the digital cosmos has in store for us. Exciting, right? But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Job Bank spills the beans on all the juicy details you need to know. From the pay scale that tickles your fancy to the nitty-gritty responsibilities you’d shoulder in this role, it’s all here. They even spill the beans on the experience and specializations you’ll need to land this gig. So, if you’re on the hunt for a paid job in the Great White North, Canada, this is your starting point. Don’t miss out on the treasure trove of opportunities waiting for you on Job Bank!” https://videos.files.wordpress.com/Xw8kCzLL/job-bank-2.mov 2. Google Next up, we have the second powerhouse in our job-seeking arsenal, and I’m sure you’ve heard of it – the biggest search engine on the planet, Google. That’s right, good ol’ Google is not just for finding funny cat videos; it’s also your ticket to job opportunities in the Great White North, Canada. Here’s how simple it is: head over to Google and type in ‘jobs in Canada.’ Boom! You’ve just opened the door to a world of possibilities. But wait, there’s more. You can supercharge your search by using specific keywords that match your dream job. Whether you’re into health informatics, healthcare, or something completely unique, just pop in those magic words, and let Google do its thing. So, whether you’re a tech whiz international medical graduate (IMG) looking for machine learning of healthcare data in Toronto or seeking a clinical fellowship position in Vancouver, Google’s got your back. It’s like having your own personal job-hunting wizard at your fingertips. Give it a try, and watch the digital world unfold with opportunities galore https://videos.files.wordpress.com/UFaijtJs/video-google.mov 3. Eluta Welcome to our third stop on the journey – Eluta (Eluta.ca). Now, let’s dive into this website. I’ve got ‘research’ on my mind, and Eluta‘s is a good place to be, both for fresh grads or seasoned pros. So, you’re on the Eluta website, and you’re thinking ‘research.’ Type it in, and voila! The digital doors to research jobs in Canada swing wide open. But hey, if you’re a seasoned warrior in your field, you can aim higher and explore clinical positions. Now, here’s a pro tip for you: If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed about what job to look for or how to tailor your application for success, don’t fret. Help is just a click away. Head over to www.IMGsecrets.com, and you’ll find the guidance you need to ace your job application. You can even book an appointment to get one-on-one advice on the exact steps to success. So, whether you’re just starting your journey or aiming for the stars in the job market, Eluta and IMG Secrets have got your back. Get ready to unlock those doors to a bright career future! https://videos.files.wordpress.com/kU6d0W5i/eluta.mov Click here to book an appointment 4. Glass Door Alright, folks, website number four on our quest for Canadian job treasures is Glassdoor, and it’s time to see what this virtual crystal ball has in store for us. Let’s dive in! Once you land on Glassdoor.com, head over to the ‘Jobs’ section. Right off the bat, it’s eager to show you a research associate contractor position, but hang on a second, that seems to be looking at the United States. Let’s tweak our settings to ‘Canada’ and broaden our search to ‘all of Canada,’ and voila, we’re in business. Now, let’s get specific – ‘research jobs.’ And there it is, like a beacon of hope, the very first result is a research assistant role at the prestigious University of British Columbia. But that’s not all; Glassdoor is here to spoil you with details. It spills the beans on the rate or salary you can expect, provides a comprehensive job summary, and dives deep into all the other nitty-gritty details about what you’ll be doing in this role. So, whether you’re eyeing a position within the Department of Medicine or something entirely different, Glassdoor’s got your back with a treasure trove of Canadian job opportunities. Get ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of possibilities! https://videos.files.wordpress.com/zYgBBmZG/glass-door.mov 5. Monster Alright, our next destination in the Canadian job-hunting adventure is none other than Monster! It’s time to unleash the job-seeking site, so here’s what you need to do. Start by doing a trusty Google search for ‘Monster Canada.’ The very first result that pops up is monster.ca. That’s your gateway to a world of job opportunities. Once you’re on monster.ca, the search is a breeze. Simply type in your desired job titles or keywords. As you type, you’ll notice those helpful auto-suggestions below, making sure you’re on the right track. Here’s the key – make sure your location is set to ‘Canada,’ so you’re hunting for jobs in the right territory. Once you’re all set, hit that search button, and voila! Monster will unfold a grand list of all the jobs available on their website. Monster.ca is

How Much Money Do Doctors Make in Canada During Fellowship?

The typical middle salary for clinical fellows in Canada sits at around $86,000. To be super accurate, it’s exactly $85,932. But, the pay playground stretches from about $58,000 to a max of $110,000. So theoretically, your pocket should be jingling with $7,166 each month. But, hold on tight, we’re not wrapping up just yet. There’s more to the story.  Benefits are in the mix, and the taxman wants his share too. Stick around till the finale, so you can master these ideas and truly grasp what you’re diving into. Book an Appointment What does the salary of a fellow in Canada depend on? The amount you earn really hinges on the type of specialty you’re in and where you’re stationed. Trust me, I’ve seen it firsthand – your field of expertise can be a game-changer. And here’s the scoop: Canada rocks a government-funded healthcare system. That means the money comes straight from the bigwigs in Ottawa. Now, if the hospital or department’s rolling in the green, that translates to bigger paychecks for you, the fellows. This is how Canada shapes its salary structure. Alright, let’s switch lanes and talk about the perks. Oh, and by the way, if you’re curious about your potential paycheck based on your training and specialty, you can snag an appointment with me by clicking here and we’ll break it down for you. What benefits do Fellow Doctors get in Canada? Alright, let’s dive into the perks you’re in for as a clinical fellow, step by step. 1. Academic Expenses The very first thing that really matters is the extra bit fellows receive, known as professional expenses or academic funds. Think of it as a bonus on top of your regular pay. The amount can vary – could be anywhere between two to ten thousand dollars per year, all depending on your specialization and the money the department has to spare. Hold on, though – this won’t be handed over as part of your salary. Instead, it’s set aside for academic expenses. Let me break it down with a few examples: Say you grab a textbook or reading materials crucial for your fellowship. Or you jet off to a conference and even present a paper – all of this gets covered from that academic funds pot. Cool, right? Here’s a real-life tale: During my time as a clinical fellow in Toronto, Ontario, I put my professional funds to use for my USMLE exams. Yep, I basically aced those exams without spending a dime. And guess what? You can do the same. If you’re gearing up for MCCQE1 or any other tests, ask your department if they’re up for supporting you using these academic funds. You could even snag study materials like a USMLE World subscription or the Toronto notes you need to conquer your exams. 2. Health Insurance Canada, has a system where everyone who’s legally residing there – whether you’re a citizen, a permanent resident, or even on a work permit – gets health insurance.  Let’s take the example of Ontario, a place I know like the back of my hand. They offer this card called OHIP, which stands for Ontario Health Insurance Plan. So, once you’ve landed in Canada as a clinical fellow and settled in, you can apply for this OHIP card. This card is like a ticket saying, “Hey, I’ve got my health insurance sorted!” And the cool part? If you’ve got your family with you – spouse, kids, the whole crew – they’re covered too. They’re part of the health insurance gang. Now, on paper, it might sound like you’re getting healthcare for free. But, hold on a sec – it’s not exactly free, because the money comes from your tax dollars. But let’s just say it’s like getting a free pass. Now, here’s the catch. While this so-called free health insurance sounds grand, it’s got its limits. It won’t foot the bill for prescription medications, for instance. 3. Prescription Medications So, this free health insurance isn’t like a magic wand. It doesn’t cover everything, like prescription meds. But here’s the cool part: the hospital might have a plan that helps with prescription meds. Say you need antibiotics – Well, those can cost a bunch in Canada. But if your hospital has this special benefit, you can use it to pay for those meds. When I was a clinical fellow in Toronto, I had this perk. It’s very helpful to have this benefit!  4. Dental Insurance Dental stuff in Canada can cost a lot. Dentists charge big money. So, having dental coverage is super smart. If something goes wonky with your teeth, fixing it might cost thousands of dollars. That’s why it’s a must to see if your hospital gives dental benefits. Lots of hospitals I’ve seen do offer this special dental insurance. It’s like a safety net for your teeth and your wallet. You can’t predict when you’ll need it, so it’s a good thing to have just in case. 5. Eye Care Oh, and guess what? Some hospitals throw in extra perks, like eye insurance. It’s pretty cool – you get a free eye check-up, and maybe even a prescription for glasses or contact lenses. They might let you do this once a year, or once every two years, depending on how they set up the plan. So, it’s like a little bonus for your eyes! So, here’s the deal – they bundle up all these extra goodies for us clinical fellows. Now, if you were an consultant or attending physician, you’d pay more to get these benefits. But, since you’re a clinical fellow and kind of like a short-term player in Canada until you become a permanent resident or a citizen, you’re in a different lane. You following? It’s all about the different systems and how they work. How much income tax will i pay as a clinical fellow in Canada? Now, let’s chat about the income tax, my dear IMGs. It’s like paying Uncle Sam his

How to Become a Doctor in Canada as an IMG?

There are 4 pathways to becoming a doctor in Canada as an International Medical Graduate (IMG). I have personally seen IMGs take these pathways and I will share my experience here. These are Traditional pathway Job-based pathway Atlantic Province program pathway Clinical fellowship pathway Repeat Residency Province-based specialist pathway Royal college pathway Let’s jump to find out more about each of these. I Need Help to Become a Doctor in Canada 1. Traditional Pathway The first and perhaps the commonest pathway to becoming a doctor in Canada as an IMG is the traditional pathway. I have seen many IMGs take this route. Essentially they apply for Canadian permanent residency from their home country. They apply for residency matching in Canada after finishing their medical training in their home country. Here are the steps for this: Medical College/School Recognition: Make sure your medical school or college is recognized by World Health Organization. This is easy to check. I have included a screen recording example below from Google. You go on a website called World Directory of Medical Schools. You click on search the medical directory and then you see all these options now because I am an IMG from India, I’m going to say India in the country and I’m going to say New Delhi in the city. The very first thing that opens is All India Institute of Medical Sciences now I click on it and go to sponsor notes I see two options one is Canada the other is USA this means if I’m a graduate of All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi India, I am good to move to Canada. You can check your medical college or medical school anywhere in the world similarly. Credential Evaluation: The next step is your medical degree should be verified by the Medical Council of Canada. For this, you have to submit all your credentials like a medical degree, internship certificate, and PG training (if applicable) on this website called physiciansapply.ca.  Medical Council of Canada using a third party will verify all these documents to make sure they are genuine. This does cost a lot of money but it’s part of the process. Below is the screen recording of Google and physiciansapply.ca  Knowledge Check: The next thing is checking your medical knowledge, so this takes the form of two different exams Medical Council of Canada qualifying examination part one or the MCCQE1: This is a computer-based one-day examination that checks your medical knowledge based on MCQs. I have included a screen recording of the MCCQE1 website. NAC or the National Assessment Collaboration: This is a one-day OSCE-based exam. This is structured similarly to USMLE Step 2 CS, but thankfully the USA has moved away from this and instead uses the OET. Since Canada is still doing NAC, the expectation is you pass this examination. I have included a screen recording of the NAC website. Apply for PR:  As you’re working through the above steps simultaneously you must plan to get your Canada permanent residency (PR). Canada offers PR on a point-based system. You could start your application right from your home country. CARMS Matching: Now let’s assume you get your Canada PR and you’re through with all the above steps, the next step is you apply through a website called CARMS for matching in a Canadian Residency program. Complete Residency Training: Residency training is variable depending on your specialty and is based on requirements by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. I will give some examples below: Family Medicine 2 years Internal Medicine 3 years Pediatrics 3 years Anesthesiology 5 years Radiology 5 years Pediatric Surgery 7 years Clear Royal College Exams: Congratulations, you have accomplished the last step and you’re now a fully certified doctor in Canada. Obtain a License: The next step is you need to obtain a license to practice in any province of your choice where you want to work. During your residency training your license will be called a training license, but once you have a full license you can work as a consultant in your specialization. It is long, it is complicated, and it takes time, but this is how the process is. Once you’re certified by the Royal College of Canada getting a license is pretty straightforward. After this, you have the choice of opening your own clinic (of course depending on your specialization) or joining a small clinic, or an academic practice. Ultimately, this would be your choice. 2. Job-Based Pathway The second pathway to becoming a doctor in Canada as an IMG is to first move to Canada through a job.  This is the option I personally suggest IMGs take. Although this is more difficult, to begin with, it makes life easier in the long run. Here are some job examples: Research Associate Research Fellow Research Assistant Lab Assistant Medical Lab Technologist Dental Assistant Any job you may like to do Here is what you should watch to be eligible for obtaining PR through Canadian Experience Class Skilled job Be on the job for at least 1 year Paid job Here is how you should apply for these jobs. Simultaneously you prepare for applying for matching by doing the following steps: Make sure your medical college is recognized by the World Health Organization Credential evaluation MCCQE1 exam NAC Exam CARMS Matching Residency Royal College Exams Licensure   The benefit of this approach is, you’re already in Canada, you understand the Canadian system, make connections, and get to know Canadian Consultants who can write a letter of recommendation. All this will help you match into the Canadian Residency program much more successfully than the first option. 3. Atlantic Immigration Program The third pathway to becoming a doctor in Canada as an IMG is the Atlantic immigration program. This is where IMGs focus to go to four Atlantic provinces in Canada. This is called the Atlantic program because these provinces are located right next to the Atlantic Ocean.

How to Look for Paid IMG Jobs in Canada?

I will walk you through the process of finding a skilled job as an International Medical Graduate (IMG) in the top 17 Universities with Medical Schools in Canada. Whether you are an experienced IMG or a fresh graduate, these IMG jobs in Canada will help you gain Canadian experience through which you become eligible to apply for Canadian permanent residency through the express entry pathway and enjoy a high quality of life. Navigating the vast landscape of training programs and IMG jobs in Canada can be a daunting task, especially with medical universities located in only 8 out of the 13 provinces. But fear not! I am here to guide you through the process of finding these sought-after positions with ease. In this article, I will provide you with invaluable tips and insights on how to discover the best training programs and IMG jobs in Canada. From research jobs for fresh graduates to clinical fellowships or consultant jobs for experienced physicians, we’ll explore the different types of opportunities available to you. So sit back, relax, and let me show you how to unlock your full potential in Canadian Universities. Help me Find a Job Alberta The province of Alberta has the following 2 Universities where IMG jobs are available. University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine is in Edmonton in the province of Alberta. This is one of the top five universities in Canada. This is a great University and if there is an IMG Job and you’re able to get into, will be great for your career. Edmonton is a beautiful place and I personally know of IMGs practicing there. This is the screenshot of the University of Alberta website. If you click this link and go to the University of Alberta faculty of medicine and Dentistry website, you can click on the Departments and Institutes to find the links to individual departments. If you are a fresh graduate, you could explore basic science departments. One example is the Department of Pharmacology. They may have many laboratory research opportunities which will give you Canadian experience through which you can be eligible for an express entry pathway for permanent residency.  University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine The University of Calgary is in Calgary, in the province of Alberta. Below is a website screenshot for the University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine.   You can go to the University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine by clicking this link here. On this page, if you click on the list of departments, it will give a drop-down list of all the departments. Many Departments mention the research and clinical opportunities that you can explore to apply for a fellowship. British Columbia University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine This is located in the beautiful city of Vancouver. I have been to Vancouver and have enjoyed visiting. In general, this is a competitive place and you may have difficulty finding a spot but the good news is that there are IMGs who are working there. Never hurts to try! Recently one of my IMG friends visited the University of British Columbia and he said the campus is amazing. Here is the University of British Columbia website below which you can get to by clicking this link.  I spent quite a bit of time on the website but I could not find departments easily. When this happens you could use the help of google to find the departments. Manitoba University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine The University of Manitoba is in Winnipeg in the province of Manitoba as the name says. You can get to the University of Manitoba School of Medicine by clicking here. Once you are on this page, you can scroll down to find the departments where you can look for jobs. You will find the below page from where you can explore the Departments you are interested in.   New Brunswick There are no medical schools in the province of New Brunswick. Newfoundland and Labrador Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty of Medicine The Memorial University of Newfoundland is in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The population of this province is approximately half a million. There are probably more people in a small city in India like Udaipur or Vellore! I have not personally come across IMG’s going to Newfoundland, but that does not mean it’s not happening. What I’m trying to say is this might be a great opportunity for you because I cannot imagine a lot of competition in places like this. Newfoundland can be a very cold place because this is the easternmost province of Canada right next to the Atlantic Ocean. If you are wondering if Canada is very cold? then yes you are right! You can go to the Memorial University Website by clicking on this link here. Memorial University of Newfoundland & Labrador Once you are on the University website, you can click on the link that says “Disciplines and Divisions”. The Memorial University website is user-friendly and easy to find things around. Northwest Territories There are no medical schools in the province of Northwest Territories. Nova Scotia Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine Dalhousie University is a large University located in the province of NovaScotia. I have relatives in Halifax, Nova Scotia and I have heard great things about Nova Scotia from them. You can get to the Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine website by clicking the link here. Below is the screenshot of the website. Dalhousie UniversityIn this screenshot, if you click on departments under the faculty of medicine, this will give options for you looking for IMG jobs in Canada. Nunavut There are no medical schools in the province of Nunavut. Ontario The province of Ontario has the most Universities. Approximately 40% of Canada’s population is clustered in the province of Ontario. University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine The University of Ottawa is located in the province of Ontario. Ottawa is the capital of Canada, it’s a beautiful city. I have been there

How to Use ChatGPT for USMLE Preparation?

ChatGPT has passed USMLE. I tested ChatGPT for 4 weeks to find out how to ace USMLE using ChatGPT. I will share my experience on the 5 ways you can use ChatGPT into your USMLE preparation starting today and that too for free!  If you are in Canada, you can use the exact same principles for MCCQE1. Let’s jump to find out right away from the article below with screenshots. If you are interested in an actual demonstration with video screen recordings of how actually ChatGPT helped with USMLE, watch the video from the link below.  Click Here to See How You Can Get Help What is ChatGPT? I have to tell you about ChatGPT first, which is especially important if you have not heard of this. ChatGPT is also known as Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer and is an artificial intelligence chatbot. This was recently developed by a company called open AI in November of 2022. You can ask ChatGPT any question, it’s going to answer you like it’s a real person except that everything is happening through chatting or texting. You can use this on your phone or on your laptop I honestly got excited but also scared when I tested ChatGPT. The number of things it knows and it can do is unbelievable. ChatGPT was tested on various topics and so far has passed the following exams: USMLE Examination Law Examination Business Examination This makes ChatGPT a Doctor, Lawyer & Business Entrepreneur. My focus here is on Doctors and I will give you 5 ways I tested ChatGPT to ace USMLE. Whether you plan to enter the USA to do a residency, direct fellowship, or come in directly as an attending physician, through the alternate entry path program, you will need to ace USMLE. How to Use ChatGPT? To get ChatGPT, the first thing I did is to go on google and search for ChatGPT. Then I clicked the very first thing that said “Introducing ChatGPT – OpenAI”. Once I clicked on this link, this is the screen that came up next. On the screen above, I clicked on “Try ChatGPT” at the bottom left of the screen. Once I did that, the next screen asked “Verify you are a human”. Of course, I had to sign up and log in. I realized this can be done either by logging in or Signing up using an existing google account. This is where the magic happened. ChatGPT Interactive Screen[/caption] There are two options to use ChatGPT. One is free and the other is a paid version. At this time it costs $20 a month to use the paid version. I however used the free version and this is what I am going to show you here. I wouldn’t be surprised if all of this becomes a paid tool! You can do this on your phone, laptop, desktop, or any compatible device. 1. How to use ChatGPT to generate sample USMLE questions? Sample USMLE Question 1 Yes, I asked ChatGPT to give me sample USMLE questions. I typed a question “Give me a sample USMLE question” on the ChatGPT text tab and hit the return button on my Mac computer (enter button on windows). This gave me a sample question within a span of a few seconds along with the answers and explanation! Here you see. USMLE Sample Question 2 Then I decided to be more specific about the way of questions I asked ChatGPT. I typed Give me a sample USMLE question that is difficult and is about thoracic surgery. My idea was to include two specific keywords here – difficult and thoracic surgery. I couldn’t believe what I got – A sample USMLE question that was both difficult and related to thoracic surgery, along with the options and an explanation. Try this for yourself and I bet you will be surprised at what you will see. A word of caution: although ChatGPT is giving the answer, I can’t say for 100% sure this gives the right answer every time. On one question, I tested it gave me an answer that was not in agreement with the USMLE official website. Then I told ChatGPT that the answer should have been different. Believe it or not, ChatGPT apologized for the wrong answer and gave me the correct one. Either way, the point I am making is just to be cautious. Make sure you have your concepts really solid because as you can imagine, you cannot blame ChatGPT if you get the answers wrong!! These were just two simple examples that I showed but you can use the same concept for any specialty and any question that you want to generate. In fact, this will be a lot more high yield for topics on Biostatistics Population health Psychiatry, etc. 2. How to use ChatGPT for answer explanations to USMLE questions? Sample USMLE Question 1 I found USMLE sample questions on USMLE.ORG. This website has many questions with answers but with no explanation. So I tested the utility of ChatGPT’s explanations it gave for questions from the official USMLE website. I searched for USMLE Sample Questions on Google. Then I clicked Step 1 Sample Questions. With this, I entered the USMLE official website and clicked on sample test questions. I accepted the cookies. Below are the sample test questions that the USMLE website had. I clicked on this question that says social sciences communications. I liked this question since this is asking for the most appropriate initial statement by the physician, it’s not asking for treatment. Questions on treatment are easily answered by International Medical Graduates (IMGs), but, these types of concepts related to the practice in my experience where international medical graduates (IMGs) have some difficulty compared to US graduates. In this case, I already knew the correct answer is Option “A” based on the answer given below. But I assumed I don’t know why the correct answer is option “A” but not the other options. This is where I tested

10 Elite US Hospitals Open Doors for IMG Observerships

Observerships are informal experiences provided to IMGs and will not involve patient contact. They are limited to one to two weeks and sometimes can be offered for a longer duration. Many of these observerships help you get into residency or fellowship at reputed US & Canadian Hospitals. I will give you a list of 10 Elite US Hospitals that accept International Medical Graduates (IMGs) for Observership. These Elite hospitals have been consistently ranked as one of the top by US News World Report. I will give you a link to apply for each hospital and tell you how to apply. The hospital requirements may vary but have a lot in common, which I will summarize for you. This list is not exhaustive and has 8 pediatric and 2 adult hospitals as examples. The observership opportunity is provided for all specialties. This observership is available for IMG consultants IMG Fellows IMG residents IMG medical students Let’s jump in to find out more about the hospitals and how to apply. Click here For Help Getting an Observership 1. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) is the oldest Children’s Hospital in the World established in 1885. It is also one of the largest and most prestigious children’s hospitals in the World. CHOP is affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League university, and provides state-of-the-art pediatric care. When I say Ivy League Universities, these are reputed universities in the US, and in fact, most US graduates want to do their training in Ivy League universities. CHOP has an international observership program that accepts eligible IMGs for observership. CHOP provides observership in all pediatric subspecialties. Rotating through CHOP as an observer is considered prestigious. You can apply for the CHOP observership program as an IMG at this link. There are certain restrictions specific to CHOP that you can check on this website. 2. Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School Boston Children’s Hospital, is located in Boston, Massachusetts. This is affiliated with Harvard Medical School. Most people in the world have heard of Harvard University.   Here is the link to where you apply for an observership at Harvard Medical School.  You might have read during your medical school or during your USMLE/MCCQE1, that hydroxyurea is a medication used for sickle cell disease. I read that this drug was first used for sickle cell disease at Boston Children’s Hospital. [videopress P6A41dtm] 3. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, University of Cincinnati, Ohio The next on the list is Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, located in Cincinnati in the state of Ohio. This is affiliated with the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Children’s is an outstanding hospital. This was built in the 1800s. You must be familiar with the oral polio vaccine right called the Sabin vaccine. This was discovered by Dr. Albert Sabin at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.  Here is the link to apply for an observership at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.    4. Texas Children’s Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas The next elite hospital on the list is Texas Children’s Hospital located in Houston, Texas. This is affiliated with Baylor College of Medicine within the Texas Medical Center. Texas Children’s has some limitations on what the purpose of observerships should be. Some hospitals may have this, but other hospitals may not. When you apply to an observership as an IMG, be upfront about what you’re trying to get out of this observership, and what your ultimate goal is. You can apply for an observership at the Texas Children’s Hospital using this link. 5. Children’s Hospital of Colorado, Denver School of Medicine Next on the list is the Children’s Hospital of Colorado, which is located in Aurora, Colorado. This is a more than a 100-year-old hospital. This is affiliated with the University of Colorado, Denver School of Medicine. In fact, Colorado is an excellent place for any winter adventurous activity. So if you are into any of this, you can explore Colorado. You can have a great vacation there plus do your observer trip. You can apply for an observership at the Children’s Hospital of Colorado using this link.   6. Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, California Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles (CHLA) is affiliated with the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California.  CHLA was established in 1901 and is one of the Elite US hospitals. CHLA has been consistently ranked amongst the top 10 pediatric hospitals by the US News World Report. You can apply for an observership at the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles using this link.  7. Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio The next on the list is Nationwide Children’s Hospital. This is a children’s hospital located in Columbus in the state of Ohio. Nationwide is affiliated with The Ohio State University College of Medicine. This is, again, a more than a hundred-year-old hospital that provides you with various opportunities to rotate through many specialties. You can apply for an observership at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio using this link.  8. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in Stanford, Palo Alto, California. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital provides opportunities for a lot of different observers. Lucile Packard was established in 1991. Although fairly new compared to other examples on this list, Lucile Packard is an elite hospital affiliated to the Stanford University Health System. You can apply for an observership at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Palo Alto, CA using this link.  The list so far is all children’s hospitals. This will still make you competitive for both pediatric and adult residency programs. Of course, there may be a few programs that put a restriction on how you can use this experience and whether you could use this towards your benefit to apply for residency or fellowship or not. 9. Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia Now I’m going to give you two adult hospital examples. Next on the list is Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia. This is part of the Jefferson Hospital Network in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Below

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